Just look at some of these adverts for trading systems for sale, costing anything from £250 to £2500
If you can spare 10 minutes each morning, then let me show you a way to turn £160 into £13k or more in 60 days.
i have turned £200 pounds into over £5000 in my first two days of trading the FTSE.
While you eat your cornflakes each morning,Before you go to work, take just twenty minutes to bank daily, tax-free £125, £274 or £363 profits.
I've over the years tried most of them! Lousie Woof Evening Trader, Earlybird, Wealthbuilder, shiraz Lakhi's index trade, betting on a fortune etc etc... and i have failed to make any money from them.
If it is so easy to make money trading as all the adverts say,
Then why aren't we all rich then?
of course, I understand that excitement you feel when a system promises you huge riches.
But then you try it out in the real world...
Suddenly the system is much riskier, and far more complicated than you imagined. You keep losing money, hoping for a break, until you give up in despair. Even though you're disappointed and angry... you try another system, by another 'guru'... and the same thing happens again!
Yes, it looks great on paper...but it's useless when you go 'live'. You have to stay glued to your computer screen. Or you can't make trades because of work commitments. You wonder if it's YOU that's doing something wrong... or if it's the system?
It feels like you're banging your head against a brick wall. You want to scream out...
"Does ANYBODY make money from trading?"
It's not like you're asking too much...
All you want is an easy, consistent way to make a few points profit each day... without having to risk your life savings. Something that fits into your busy schedule - even if you work all hours of the day.
So why is it so hard to make money? Why do so many systems fail? (And no, it's not your fault!) Why do they never live up to the hype?
And let's face it. You're probably sick of being asked to stump up money for yet another system. Tired and suspicious of big money claims and 'risk-free' promises that don't work out.
I don't blame you...
The Internet has made it incredibly easy for dodgy gurus to operate. It can cost less than a round of drinks to set up a professional looking website. Now the market is swamped with 'experts'. All of them shout from the roof tops that they're the best thing since sliced bread... that they'll be the ones to help you make big money from the markets.
The naive believe there is a secret to trading success,
and they search for it but in the wrong places, such as expensive trading programmes/systems. With experience they realise that the only secret to success is hard work and talent.
Trading is viewed by many as seductively easy until they start losing.
Until they become one of the 80-90 per cent that do not last a year in this profession.
Trading success is difficult.
The dream and the reality
Each one of us has a dream.
For the wannabe a trader there is only one; to pit his or her ability and capital against the market and earn a living from it.
We go to school, gain an education, become employed or start our own business. We learn what we need to know to be successful,
but nothing, nothing in our education or work experience provides the comprehensive knowledge or psychological control necessary for success as a trader.
intellect, a good education and success in any other business is irrelevant.
Unfortunately its human nature to assume that if we succeed in one area we will automatically succeed in another. You have to come to the realisation that day trading is like nothing you have experienced.
The reality is that day trading/short term trading is going to be one of the hardest things you have ever done, and without the proper training and psychological preparation, your stress level will most likely be off the scale
Let’s Get Started
Did you know that 13,100 web sites sell day trading systems for stocks and commodities? If so many people are getting into day trading, why would you want to get into trading? Simple. 90% of those traders are consistently losing money.
Are you tired of the hype?
Trading Strategies Exposed!
most of them are not worth the paper they are printed on.
I have tried and tested various online trading strategies over the years – prices ranging from a couple hundred pounds to £3,000! Yet, most of them were unworkable. The ones that looked okay weren't profitable when live tested and in the end I had to figure it out myself; had I known about this when I first started I would have saved myself thousands!
All-in-one software programmes like Star Trader will set you back between £3,000 and - GUESS WHAT,
There are lots of people who believe that Forex markets can be predicted in advance, with thehelp of scientific formulas. The problem is - prediction is simply hoping and guessing in Forexmarkets and it should be pretty obvious to anyone, that if there was a way to predict themwith science, there would be no market, as we would all know the price in advance! Pricesmove due to uncertainty not certainty.The three big theories to avoid are the ones sold by disciples of Gann, Elliot and Fibonacci.these theories all claim to be scientific but if they know the future and can predict it, why dosystems based on these methods ever have a losing trade? If you use any theory which claimsit can predict the future, the predictions will end up as accurate as your horoscope.Never try and predict, simply trade the reality of price change as it occurs on a Forex chart;while you may not win every trade, if you trade high odds set ups, cut your losses and runyour profits, you will make a lot money.Simple Systems are more Likely to Succeed than Complex OnesThere is a myth that the more complex a system is, the more likely it is to make money butthe opposite is true - simple systems work best because they are more robust than complexones and have fewer elements to break in the brutal world of Forex trading. If you want proofof this consider this fact:50 years ago 95% of traders lost money and today guess what? 95% of traders still losemoney! This is despite all the advances in technology we have seen in the period whichinclude:PC'S that now have more processing power than Mission Control which helped put man on themoon, complex software packages are now able to process huge amounts of data at lighteningspeed, more and better news available and instant price information is available to anyone atthe click of a mouse but despite all these advances, it have made no difference to the numberof people who win.Technology and complexity, do not guarantee success and never will and I would bet in ahundred years time, 95% of traders will still lose. This is because Forex trading success isdependent on something else which is not based on being clever or using complex systems,youwill understand what it is, by the time you get to the end of this PDF.Keep phrase “KISS - Keep it Simple Stupid” when you trade Forex markets and don't try andbe to clever.You Cannot Trade the Supply and Demand FactsWill
The most common way for new traders to seek currency trading success is to buy one of thecheap Forex software packages sold online. These Forex Robots and Expert Advisors howeverdon't work and anyone who buys them losses their money quickly and the reason why isobvious:These systems all claim that for just a hundred dollars or so, they can give you better gainsthan the world's top fund managers achieve with less draw down; the track records wouldmake even the super traders like George Soros or Warren Buffet look average and yet, youcan do better than them with no effort and for spending a hundred dollars! Doesn't quite addup does it? It looks to good to be true and it is:If you look closely at the systems, NONE of them produce a verified track record of real gains –so where do the track records come from? The answer is simple, the vendors make them up.Look at most and all you see are simulated back tests, over historical data knowing the closingprices! We would all be millionaires, if we knew tomorrow's price today but we don't and that'swhat makes Forex trading such a challenge. Other vendors put out figures they say are realbut as there from the vendor, they should be ignored - ask him for verification from a thirdparty and you won't get an answer. These systems are so cheap, because they don't work, ifthey did 95% of traders wouldn't lose money. The only one who makes the regular incomewith these systems is the vendor selling the system. Forex Robots and Expert Advisors give theForex industry a bad name and sadly, thousands of traders fall for the hyped marketing copyand trust their money to them and lose.If you want an automated Forex trading system which actually does make money, you can getone for free on our site “ The 4 Week Rule” by Richard Donchian will beat any of the cheapRobots above and is a great system, if you accept you will have periods of losses and you looklong term; it's worked for some of the top traders in the world for over a quarter of a centuryand will work for you too.You Don't need to work Hard or be Intelligent to achieve SuccessAfter the traders who think they can get rich with no effort, we have a group who think theexpect opposite and think that working hard or the fact that their intelligent, guarantees themsuccess but nothing could be further from the truth. Hard work and intelligence are not the EVEN THEN THERE IS NO GURANTEE YOU WILL MAKE MONEY, but YOU still end up having to do the work reading charts, monitoring newsfeeds, and choosing from DOZENS of buy and sell signals spat out at any one time.
Trading robots or bots as they are known, are complete rubbish.. show me one that consistently makes money, end of subject.
You could go to a seminar and learn all about the 'inner workings' of the markets. But do you really want to know all the technical stuff?
Even if you did, this 'background' will cost you anywhere between £800 and £5,000 for ONE DAY... YOU STILL WILL BE NO WISER THAN BEFORE.. guaranteed.. most of the stuff you can find on the internet free
There are several other trading packages and softwares out there charging £1,400 upwards for 'predicting' something which you can do yourself.
The TRUTH About Forex Robots and Automated Trading Systems
The truth is, 95% of retail traders lose money in the Forex market. They get frustrated, try Forex Robot after Forex Robot, and still lose money. The market is full of automated trading systems and “unbeatable” Forex robots that will trade for you, making you thousands overnight while you sleep. Or so they say…
Most Forex robots and automated trading systems don’t work. If they did, top banks and financial institutions certainly would be using them and not have fallen to financial woes.
Forex Robots make a LOT of money… for the guys selling them, not for the people buying them. Sure, some people make money with it.
A blind horse is bound to find water ONCE in a WHILE, right?
But IF I find a Forex Robot that won’t wipe out your account i will let you know.
All experienced traders know that around 95% of traders go bust within the first year.
You won't find promises of huge earnings on this site.
Just "NO BULL" NO FRILLS, honest opinion and my trades live as they happen.
Day Trading is made out to be glamorous, let me assure you it isn't, and it can be very, very hard work.
Dear Fellow traders,
I spread trade the daily FTSE 100 and the Forex market.I confess that i am not an expert..but i am a disciplined follower of my trading method rules. I use my own system/method to and make trades between 8:00am and 4.30pm.
My trades have variable minimum stop losses 0f 12 points and a maximum stop loss of 15 points,
depending on the market traded
Minimum profit limit of 10 points and maximum profit limit of 15 points put in place before the trade is put on.
You could grow a tiny starting bank into a regular tax-free income. I will post my daily live trades on the trading site, www.trade2win.com. This site has been invaluable in my quest for answers on trading. It is blessed with traders/members who will help you with any queries you have.
Imagine if you could make just average 25-30 points profit a week, spread trading the financial markets... that's not much of a goal is it? but carry them over to the end of the month and you slowly increase your trading bank.
And yet at just £5 per point, you'd be making £150 a week or over £575 a month...
Just follow my strategy and see how i rake up a tidy profit at the end of the month.
Worst mistake that people make is that they believe trading is the easy answer, a way to get rich quickly.
People will often expect to become wizards in the market overnight, but they fail to realize that trading is like any profession; you must learn how to do it first.
For example, would you attend a weekend doctor's seminar and expect to conduct heart surgery on Monday? Of course not! I am shocked at what people expect when they go to a weekend trading seminar. They think they will create wealth without having to work, invest or think, and it just doesn't happen that way.
After treating trading like a get rich quick scheme, the next most common mistake, is to approach the market without a plan.
Without a trading plan, traders approach the market in an inconsistent manner. One day they trade stocks and the next they trade the foreign exchange. Or, they may use one set of indicators one day, and the next day they will throw these indicators out the window and take on a completely new set. Without a consistent approach, the only thing governing their trading decisions is really emotions, and that will doom them to failure.

The first most expensive mistake, I made was to search for the "Holy Grail" of trading.
This was an incredible waste of both time and money. During the first years of my trading career, I spent over £2500 on a library full of books, videos and seminars as well as spending thousands of hours in search of the perfect trading methods. Honestly, 95% of what I bought was pure junk?
The second most expensive mistake I made was not having a predefined exit point.
Early in my trading career, I remember trading the ftse without a stoploss in place. Mainly because i had the trading capital in my bank, £20k. Unfortunately, when things did not go as planned, I did not know when to exit, and was paralysed. I kept rationalizing why I should hold onto the trade. Hoping that it would turn round any minute now, now. Some did turn around but the majority didn't. As the ftse continued to fall, I made more and more excuses. At the very end, I remember thinking, "I can't take it anymore!" so i got out with a massive loss. Within a year i was wiped out.
I learned two very valuable lessons at the end. First, always have your exit points predefined. Second, big losses once started out as small losses, and it is much easier to take a small loss than a big one.
Trading is not an easy profession, but it give you great rewards. Avoid these common errors,
create a simple, well-designed trading system, and learn your market. If you take the time to study the market, and learn from other's mistakes as well as your own, you will become a successful trader.
After years of trial and error that's when I realised that I didn't have to have huge winners every day. I didn't have to have the holy grail system.
I didn't have to look for the big points profit. In fact all I had to get was follow my trades daily win or lose. At the end of the month i would on average achieve my target.
Trading is not easy, through sheer persistence, over the years I have found a style of trading and started executing my strategy, my results took off, they were consistent, averaging out to a healthy profit at the end of the month.
Pretty soon, I was making consistent successful trades and was achieving my average 25-30 Points every week.. now 30 points a week don't seem a lot but let me assure when you have the confidence that the system is consistent, you raise the stake per point and that's when you realise the potential of this slow but consistent strategy.
Always start off small, and let the bank grow..
If you start with just £1 per point, then increase it as you steadily grow the bank.
I should say here that, of course, not every trade will win. But by using my method you can expect a steady growing trading bank.
Following every trade as indicated, and not being greedy, and just aiming to take 25 points on average, you too could do what I've done many times over... starting from £1.00 per point.
Once I had achieved various targets, which I will explain to you, I went to £2.00 per point.
I stuck to my plan... and from there I compounded my profits which then took me to £3.00 per point.
Then pretty soon, my increase in £'s per point started jumping which meant I was now earning more. And £4.00 per point!
At £7.00 per point, I was now earning £10,000.00 a year! it takes time to arrive at this level.
I would like you to watch my progress live and judge for yourself. No past figures, just live results. On that note, I would like to welcome you. Everything on here is FREE !!=====================================
If you have come across similar articles to mine on this blog, don't worry. To save time i have gathered and edited relevant trading materials freely available on the web which are of interest to the trading topic. I will do my best to weed out garbage and only post what i think will be of be of interest. If at times i fail to do that please forgive me as i am not a copywriter. Thanks.
If you can spare 10 minutes each morning, then let me show you a way to turn £160 into £13k or more in 60 days.
i have turned £200 pounds into over £5000 in my first two days of trading the FTSE.
While you eat your cornflakes each morning,Before you go to work, take just twenty minutes to bank daily, tax-free £125, £274 or £363 profits.
I've over the years tried most of them! Lousie Woof Evening Trader, Earlybird, Wealthbuilder, shiraz Lakhi's index trade, betting on a fortune etc etc... and i have failed to make any money from them.
If it is so easy to make money trading as all the adverts say,
Then why aren't we all rich then?
of course, I understand that excitement you feel when a system promises you huge riches.
But then you try it out in the real world...
Suddenly the system is much riskier, and far more complicated than you imagined. You keep losing money, hoping for a break, until you give up in despair. Even though you're disappointed and angry... you try another system, by another 'guru'... and the same thing happens again!
Yes, it looks great on paper...but it's useless when you go 'live'. You have to stay glued to your computer screen. Or you can't make trades because of work commitments. You wonder if it's YOU that's doing something wrong... or if it's the system?
It feels like you're banging your head against a brick wall. You want to scream out...
"Does ANYBODY make money from trading?"
It's not like you're asking too much...
All you want is an easy, consistent way to make a few points profit each day... without having to risk your life savings. Something that fits into your busy schedule - even if you work all hours of the day.
So why is it so hard to make money? Why do so many systems fail? (And no, it's not your fault!) Why do they never live up to the hype?
And let's face it. You're probably sick of being asked to stump up money for yet another system. Tired and suspicious of big money claims and 'risk-free' promises that don't work out.
I don't blame you...
The Internet has made it incredibly easy for dodgy gurus to operate. It can cost less than a round of drinks to set up a professional looking website. Now the market is swamped with 'experts'. All of them shout from the roof tops that they're the best thing since sliced bread... that they'll be the ones to help you make big money from the markets.
The naive believe there is a secret to trading success,
and they search for it but in the wrong places, such as expensive trading programmes/systems. With experience they realise that the only secret to success is hard work and talent.
Trading is viewed by many as seductively easy until they start losing.
Until they become one of the 80-90 per cent that do not last a year in this profession.
Trading success is difficult.
The dream and the reality
Each one of us has a dream.
For the wannabe a trader there is only one; to pit his or her ability and capital against the market and earn a living from it.
We go to school, gain an education, become employed or start our own business. We learn what we need to know to be successful,
but nothing, nothing in our education or work experience provides the comprehensive knowledge or psychological control necessary for success as a trader.
intellect, a good education and success in any other business is irrelevant.
Unfortunately its human nature to assume that if we succeed in one area we will automatically succeed in another. You have to come to the realisation that day trading is like nothing you have experienced.
The reality is that day trading/short term trading is going to be one of the hardest things you have ever done, and without the proper training and psychological preparation, your stress level will most likely be off the scale
Let’s Get Started
Did you know that 13,100 web sites sell day trading systems for stocks and commodities? If so many people are getting into day trading, why would you want to get into trading? Simple. 90% of those traders are consistently losing money.
Are you tired of the hype?
Trading Strategies Exposed!
most of them are not worth the paper they are printed on.
I have tried and tested various online trading strategies over the years – prices ranging from a couple hundred pounds to £3,000! Yet, most of them were unworkable. The ones that looked okay weren't profitable when live tested and in the end I had to figure it out myself; had I known about this when I first started I would have saved myself thousands!
All-in-one software programmes like Star Trader will set you back between £3,000 and - GUESS WHAT,
EVEN THEN THERE IS NO GURANTEE YOU WILL MAKE MONEY, but YOU still end up having to do the work reading charts, monitoring newsfeeds, and choosing from DOZENS of buy and sell signals spat out at any one time.
Trading robots or bots as they are known, are complete rubbish.. show me one that consistently makes money, end of subject.
You could go to a seminar and learn all about the 'inner workings' of the markets. But do you really want to know all the technical stuff?
Even if you did, this 'background' will cost you anywhere between £800 and £5,000 for ONE DAY... YOU STILL WILL BE NO WISER THAN BEFORE.. guaranteed.. most of the stuff you can find on the internet free
There are several other trading packages and softwares out there charging £1,400 upwards for 'predicting' something which you can do yourself.
The TRUTH About Forex Robots and Automated Trading Systems
The truth is, 95% of retail traders lose money in the Forex market. They get frustrated, try Forex Robot after Forex Robot, and still lose money. The market is full of automated trading systems and “unbeatable” Forex robots that will trade for you, making you thousands overnight while you sleep. Or so they say…
Most Forex robots and automated trading systems don’t work. If they did, top banks and financial institutions certainly would be using them and not have fallen to financial woes.
Forex Robots make a LOT of money… for the guys selling them, not for the people buying them. Sure, some people make money with it.
A blind horse is bound to find water ONCE in a WHILE, right?
But IF I find a Forex Robot that won’t wipe out your account i will let you know.
All experienced traders know that around 95% of traders go bust within the first year.
You won't find promises of huge earnings on this site.
Just "NO BULL" NO FRILLS, honest opinion and my trades live as they happen.
Day Trading is made out to be glamorous, let me assure you it isn't, and it can be very, very hard work.
Dear Fellow traders,
I confess that i am not an expert..but i am a disciplined follower of my trading method rules. I use my own system/method to and make trades between 8:00am and 4.30pm.
My trades have variable minimum stop losses 0f 12 points and a maximum stop loss of 15 points,
depending on the market traded
Minimum profit limit of 10 points and maximum profit limit of 15 points put in place before the trade is put on.
Imagine if you could make just average 25-30 points profit a week, spread trading the financial markets... that's not much of a goal is it? but carry them over to the end of the month and you slowly increase your trading bank.
And yet at just £5 per point, you'd be making £150 a week or over £575 a month...
Just follow my strategy and see how i rake up a tidy profit at the end of the month.
strategy and see how i rake up a tidy profit at the end of the month.
Worst mistake that people make is that they believe trading is the easy answer, a way to get rich quickly.
People will often expect to become wizards in the market overnight, but they fail to realize that trading is like any profession; you must learn how to do it first.
For example, would you attend a weekend doctor's seminar and expect to conduct heart surgery on Monday? Of course not! I am shocked at what people expect when they go to a weekend trading seminar. They think they will create wealth without having to work, invest or think, and it just doesn't happen that way.
After treating trading like a get rich quick scheme, the next most common mistake, is to approach the market without a plan.
Without a trading plan, traders approach the market in an inconsistent manner. One day they trade stocks and the next they trade the foreign exchange. Or, they may use one set of indicators one day, and the next day they will throw these indicators out the window and take on a completely new set. Without a consistent approach, the only thing governing their trading decisions is really emotions, and that will doom them to failure.

The first most expensive mistake, I made was to search for the "Holy Grail" of trading.
This was an incredible waste of both time and money. During the first years of my trading career, I spent over £2500 on a library full of books, videos and seminars as well as spending thousands of hours in search of the perfect trading methods. Honestly, 95% of what I bought was pure junk?
The second most expensive mistake I made was not having a predefined exit point.
Early in my trading career, I remember trading the ftse without a stoploss in place. Mainly because i had the trading capital in my bank, £20k. Unfortunately, when things did not go as planned, I did not know when to exit, and was paralysed. I kept rationalizing why I should hold onto the trade. Hoping that it would turn round any minute now, now. Some did turn around but the majority didn't. As the ftse continued to fall, I made more and more excuses. At the very end, I remember thinking, "I can't take it anymore!" so i got out with a massive loss. Within a year i was wiped out.
I learned two very valuable lessons at the end. First, always have your exit points predefined. Second, big losses once started out as small losses, and it is much easier to take a small loss than a big one.
Trading is not an easy profession, but it give you great rewards. Avoid these common errors,
create a simple, well-designed trading system, and learn your market. If you take the time to study the market, and learn from other's mistakes as well as your own, you will become a successful trader.
Worst mistake that people make is that they believe trading is the easy answer, a way to get rich quickly.
People will often expect to become wizards in the market overnight, but they fail to realize that trading is like any profession; you must learn how to do it first.
For example, would you attend a weekend doctor's seminar and expect to conduct heart surgery on Monday? Of course not! I am shocked at what people expect when they go to a weekend trading seminar. They think they will create wealth without having to work, invest or think, and it just doesn't happen that way.
After treating trading like a get rich quick scheme, the next most common mistake, is to approach the market without a plan.
Without a trading plan, traders approach the market in an inconsistent manner. One day they trade stocks and the next they trade the foreign exchange. Or, they may use one set of indicators one day, and the next day they will throw these indicators out the window and take on a completely new set. Without a consistent approach, the only thing governing their trading decisions is really emotions, and that will doom them to failure.
The first most expensive mistake, I made was to search for the "Holy Grail" of trading.
This was an incredible waste of both time and money. During the first years of my trading career, I spent over £2500 on a library full of books, videos and seminars as well as spending thousands of hours in search of the perfect trading methods. Honestly, 95% of what I bought was pure junk?
The second most expensive mistake I made was not having a predefined exit point.
Early in my trading career, I remember trading the ftse without a stoploss in place. Mainly because i had the trading capital in my bank, £20k. Unfortunately, when things did not go as planned, I did not know when to exit, and was paralysed. I kept rationalizing why I should hold onto the trade. Hoping that it would turn round any minute now, now. Some did turn around but the majority didn't. As the ftse continued to fall, I made more and more excuses. At the very end, I remember thinking, "I can't take it anymore!" so i got out with a massive loss. Within a year i was wiped out.
I learned two very valuable lessons at the end. First, always have your exit points predefined. Second, big losses once started out as small losses, and it is much easier to take a small loss than a big one.
Trading is not an easy profession, but it give you great rewards. Avoid these common errors,
create a simple, well-designed trading system, and learn your market. If you take the time to study the market, and learn from other's mistakes as well as your own, you will become a successful trader.
After years of trial and error that's when I realised that I didn't have to have huge winners every day. I didn't have to have the holy grail system.
I didn't have to look for the big points profit. In fact all I had to get was follow my trades daily win or lose. At the end of the month i would on average achieve my target.
Trading is not easy, through sheer persistence, over the years I have found a style of trading and started executing my strategy, my results took off, they were consistent, averaging out to a healthy profit at the end of the month.
Pretty soon, I was making consistent successful trades and was achieving my average 25-30 Points every week.. now 30 points a week don't seem a lot but let me assure when you have the confidence that the system is consistent, you raise the stake per point and that's when you realise the potential of this slow but consistent strategy.
Always start off small, and let the bank grow..
If you start with just £1 per point, then increase it as you steadily grow the bank.
I should say here that, of course, not every trade will win. But by using my method you can expect a steady growing trading bank.
Following every trade as indicated, and not being greedy, and just aiming to take 25 points on average, you too could do what I've done many times over... starting from £1.00 per point.
Once I had achieved various targets, which I will explain to you, I went to £2.00 per point.
I stuck to my plan... and from there I compounded my profits which then took me to £3.00 per point.
Then pretty soon, my increase in £'s per point started jumping which meant I was now earning more. And £4.00 per point!
At £7.00 per point, I was now earning £10,000.00 a year! it takes time to arrive at this level.
Legal Disclaimer
The information presented in this site is for general information purposes only. Nothing presented on this web site or in the purchased materials should be construed as a recommendation to buy or sell any security/future or to participate in any particular trading strategy. Spread Trading is very risky. There is a possibility of substantial financial loss, greater even than monies initially invested. The simulated, hypothetical performance results presented herein have certain inherent limitations, due to the fact that the trades have not actually been executed.
Please note: this site is designed for educational purposes only. There is a risk of loss in all trading. Spread Betting carries significant risk and should only be undertaken by those who can afford to lose some or all of their investment. In extreme circumstances you can lose more than your initial investment. Before investing, or if in doubt about the suitability , please seek independent financial advice.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: spread trading/betting has large potential rewards, but also large potential risk. You must be aware of the risks and be willing to accept them in order to invest in the futures and options markets. Don't trade with money you can't afford to lose. This is neither a solicitation nor an offer to Buy/Sell futures or options. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits. The past performance of any trading system or methodology is not necessarily indicative of future results.
DISCLAIMER Risk arning
International currency, stock index or commodity prices can be highly volatile and unpredictable. The past is not a guide to future performance and strategies that have worked in the past may not work in the future. No representation is being made that any account will, or is likely to achieve profit or losses similar to those shown.
Prior to trading on the Foreign Exchange market you should carefully consider your investment objectives, level of experience and personal risk appetite. Risks you could be exposed to include, but are not limited to, leverage, creditworthiness, limited regulatory protection and market volatility. Additional risks when using an Internet-based trading system include, but are not limited to, hardware, software and internet failure.
The leveraged nature of foreign exchange trading means that any market movement will have an equally proportional effect on your deposited funds. This may work for you as well as against you. The possibility exists that you could sustain a total loss of your initial margin and be required to deposit additional funds to maintain your position. If you fail to meet any margin requirement, your position may be liquidated and you will be responsible for any resulting losses accrued with your Broker.
The value of any trade, and income derived from it can go down as well as up and your capital is at risk. You should only speculate with money you can afford to lose and be aware that you could lose your initial deposit. The publishers of this site and anyone associated with it, will not be held responsible for any losses incurred as a result of using our systems or any information found on our website. If you are unsure as to whether this form of trading meets your investment objectives then please seek your own Independent Financial Advice.
The application of any techniques or educational information contained on our website or within our materials is done so at the traders own risk and discretion. I will not be held liable for any loss or damage, including without limitation, any loss of profit, which may arise directly or indirectly from use of or reliance on such information. Our website and guides are provided ‘as is’ and without any warranty.
We have taken every possible measure to ensure the accuracy of the information provided on this website. Any opinions, news, research, analysis, prices, or other information contained on this website are provided as general market commentary, and do not constitute investment advice. Please note that the content on this website is subject to update or change at any time without notice.
Although due care has been taken in preparing this website, the authors and publishers disclaim any liability for any inaccuracies or omissions.
Hypothetical Performance or Back-Tested Results
Hypothetical performance results have many inherent limitations. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those inferred or shown. There are frequently sharp differences between hypothetical performance results & the actual results subsequently achieved by a particular trading program. One of the limitations of hypothetical performance results is they are generally prepared with the benefit of hind sight. In addition, hypothetical trading does not involve financial risk & no hypothetical trading record can completely account for the impact of financial risk in actual trading. The ability to withstand losses or adhere to a particular trading program in spite of trading losses are material points which can adversely affect actual trading results. There are many other factors related to the markets in general or to the implementation of a specific trading program which cannot be fully accounted for in the reparation of hypothetical performance results – all of which can adversely affect actual trading results. Although due care has been taken in preparing this website, the authors and publishers disclaim any liability for any inaccuracies or omissions.
By using this site, you acknowledge that you are a consent adult and understand your decision.
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